
CREDIBLE is an Erasmus+ project
Our goal is inclusive education for children and young people with rare diseases'

To start using the platform
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To use all the features, publish and edit your cases, talk with other teachers etc...
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A high percentage of the associations of people with rare diseases considers that improvement in the educational field is one of the priority demands towards administrations in order to raising awareness and carrying out effective educational inclusion.

In response to this concern, CREDIBLE (Children with RarE Diseases and their Inclusion in Basic Learning Environments) brings together ten organizations from five different countries (Latvia, Greece, Romania, Spain and UK) collaborating to provide useful solutions.

The main objectives of the project are centered on two basic purposes: the improvement of teachingskills and the elaboration of tools and resources to promote the educational inclusion of students with rare diseases.

Teachers facing the challenge of educational inclusion of students with rare diseases often have many problems finding the right training resources.

One of the training actions that gives the best results in the development of teaching work is to have the support of peers. The previous experience of colleagues who have faced similar challenges is always a valuable training resource for any teacher.

This platform aims to make available to teachers across Europe a source of previous experiences from peers who have faced the challenge of teaching students with rare diseases in conventional classrooms.

In it, you can find pedagogical and health guidelines developed in a standardized format of description of real cases. If you have already had that experience, your contribution will be very useful for future colleagues who face this challenge.

Everything is a result of effort. Only a civilization endures if many bring their collaboration to the effort. If all of us prefer to enjoy the fruit, civilization collapses. José Ortega y gasset

The success of this platform is collaboration with all possible individual contributions from the teaching community. If you know any colleague who has had a classroom experience with children with rare diseases, encourage them to share it here.

How to use the platform

1. Sign up

At the top right menu you have the link to both login and sign up. You can do it also by clicking on the previous link.

2. Search cases

Once you've registered and logged into the platform, the first page you see is where you can search existing cases. You can filter by disease or country.

3. Add cases

Once logged in, through "My cases" in the top menu you will be able to add cases to the platform.

4. Case data

You will need a short description, the country, language, age-range, gender and description for the case.

5. Draft and validation

You can only save drafts (only available to you, while you are gathering all the information) and send cases to validate for an admin to review and publish. This is done for security and privacy reasons.

6. Privacy

Remember that privacy is important. If you share your experience on the platform, try not to include names or data that could reveal the identity of the cases described

Our partners

These are the organizations that make up the consortium: two NGOs dedicated to rare diseases, a computer applications development company, three educational centers, two universities and two regional educational administrations.


For any doubt or question, do not hesitate to write us to